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  • Sustainability Management
  • Environment
  • Waste Management

Waste Management

Water Management

At Coway, we minimize our environmental impact on water resources when it comes to water consumption and wastewater production by focusing on the final assembly and inspection process. Nevertheless, we developed a “waterless” test system for water purifiers which use nitrogen and vacuum instead of water as part of our efforts to reduce water consumption. In addition, we joined UNGC (United Nations Global Compact) CEO Water Mandate to protect our water resources throughout the entire production process for the first time in the industry.

  • Production Stage
    Continuously manage water consumption during manufacturing process through improved carbon filter manufacturing process and test system.
  • Use Stage
    Develop and apply innovative nano-trap filter and reduce water consumption in the consumer usage stage.

Waste Management

Currently, we are managing the quantification of wastes produced at our workplace and through our products and services while increasing the scope of management. Additionally, we separate waste materials to minimize incineration and burial while working on the RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) by increasing the thermal recovery through incineration.

Recovery & Recycling Refrigerant

In order to minimize environmental pollution caused by refrigerants, we use eco-friendly refrigerants while recovering refrigerants (R-134a)* used in our products at the time of their disposal and dispose of them through a company designated by the Ministry of Environment.

    *R-134a refrigerant gas has a GWP (Global Warming Index) of 1,300 and produces greenhouse gas.
  • Headquarters : 100-759, 17F, JoongAng Ilbo Bldg., 88, Seosomun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
  • Business Site : 136-23, Yugumagoksa-ro, Yugu-eup, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do